2022 BE Open Water day
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor wetenschap en kunsten - Oct 21, 2022
9:30 Registration
10:00 Welcoming
10:20 Water Secure World in a Changing Environment – UNESCO IHPs work on Citizen and Open Science (Koen Verbist, UNESCO Paris)
10:40 Be-Resilient: Citizen Science applications in UNESCOs Biosphere Reserves, South Africa (Prudentia Zikalala, UNESCO Johannesburg)
11:00 Levering new technologies for community-based hydrological monitoring. Experiences from Peru and Nepal (Wouter Buytaert, Imperial College, UK)
11:20 Platform for Sustainable Urban Development (Nahad Helmi, VUB)
11:40 Exploring the potential of low-cost rain sensors and citizen observations in an urban context (Boud Verbeiren, HYDRIA/VUB)
12:00 Earth observation satellite data in support of hydrological research: an introduction to the Terrascope platform (Lisa Landuyt, VITO)
12:20-13:20 Lunch break
13:20 Innovative real-time sensing of flow dynamics in groundwater and sediments for drought resilience in the Romboutswerve (Stephen Andersen, iFLUX).
13:40 A long term, low-cost, water-quality monitoring system Green Infrastructure Mapping and Monitoring SaaS (Quentin Quevy, VUB)
14:00 Application of Open data science and Cloud computing in water management (Ivan Rocabado, HAEDES)
14:20 Building a river digital twin by combining the strenghts of IoT and modelling (Sacha Gobeyn, FLUVES)
14:40 Integration of local and indigenous knowledge for climate-resilient water resources management: lessons learned from the Bolivian Altiplano (Magali Garcia, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés)
15:00 Importance and Challenges of protecting Peatland, in collaboration with Belgium (Jean-Jacques BAMBUTA, Coordinator of Peatland Management Unit,; Ministry of Environment, Démocratic Republic of Congo)
15:30-16:00 Coffee
16:00-17:00 UNESCO-IHP Belgian committee meeting (Chairs: Ann van Griensven and Marnik Vanclooster)
16:00 UNESCO Chair of Open Water Science and Education (Ann van Griensven, VUB),
Platforms of the Open Water Network (Celray James Chawanda, VUB)
16:30 Belgian contributions to UNESCO-IHP IX programme"Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environmen": Wrap-up session (Gert Verreet, EWI)